Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Chastity by definition, as per the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is “abstaining from all sexual activities and sexual intercourse.” As a virtue it is keeping one’s self pure and morally clean through our thoughts, words, and actions. Its etymology comes from the Latin word "castus" which means “pure”.

Enough will all technicality, I think we’ve already learned what the word “chastity” means by now..

So have you ever been so in love or so blinded by love for your significant other that you have decided to “take it to the next level”, in terms of sex? Take note that we are talking about the youth in general here, so think along those lines. Well it might seem as a good idea for a certain period of time but then do you think it is proper? We might have different answers to this depending on our culture or religion. Since I am a Filipino Catholic then my thoughts and opinions on this topic may very well differ from yours if you aren’t of the same race and religion as I am. In my opinion, it would be wrong to have sex outside marriage. Aside from what I have learned in my Christian Living classes throughout my life, there is a religious point of view to this. In the Catholic faith sexual intercourse, or just sex, is an act reserved for those who are married. It is a sad fact that in our generation only a few teens would choose to wait until they are married in order to have sex. Some may see it as a social status or as a “cool” thing to have had done it but this only shows how our minds have all been polluted by media and wrong information.  You might ask me what I mean by “wrong information”, well my answer is simple. We are asking the wrong people about topics that are very sensitive. Face it, who would you rather talk to about sex, your friends or your parents? Common sense tells me that I would rather talk to my friends because I wouldn’t feel comfortable with my parents talking to me about the birds and the bees and giving me that awkward pep talk. But then even though it is the easy way to have our questions answered, we are not 100% sure that what our friends are telling us is the proper answer. We should be responsible enough to know who to ask in order for our questions to be really answered.


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