Friday, August 27, 2010

A Challenge for the Youth

Premarital sex is the term used to refer to sex outside of marriage. It synonymous word for this would be fornication. It is a big problem facing the youth because it goes against religion and virtue. More and more young men and women are engaging in it simply because they think it is "cool" and that it makes them fit in. But in fact they are greatly mistaken. In the Catholic faith, we believe that sex is reserved for those who are married because it is an act where in God helps man to commit a union that will lead to conception of a human being. It is a gift that God bestows and blesses parents with. All acts of sex should be open to life. The fact that we have sex while we are not married yet is a mortal sin of fornication because there is no true love in the act. We are doing it just for the pleasure it may bring to us. And if you say that others are doing it with actual love and feeling, the question is that if the couple really does love each other then why not get married first? Marriage is the ultimate expression of love and affection for someone you care greatly about, right? It also assures them that you want to spend your life with him or her.
With all that said, the question is why should us, the youth of today, practice chastity?
I can give you 2 possible answers to this question. These are:
1. In order to enjoy life to the fullest.
- I know I might sound a bit too “old school” but then we’re all just still on the learning curb. Studies should be our priority. Who’s to say, if we had sex with someone and ended up getting them knocked up or contracting a disease from them? There are all these possibilities and we should always take them into consideration. We are still young and the future holds a lot for us.
2. Feeling stronger as a person
- Okay this is where it gets a bit interesting. I know that you find it a bit hard to understand how being Chaste will make you feel stronger; well just hear me out on this. It is usually in the states and in westernized countries that premarital sex happens a lot and not here in the Philippines. The youth in those parts think that at the age of 16 or 18, that that’s the right time to have sex. It is already in their culture and train of thought. If you haven’t done it then they will call you a prude, a virgin or other names to make you look “un-cool” to the eyes of your peers and they say it all like it’s a bad thing to be one. But a person with good moral standings and who practices his or her own set of virtues will know that giving in to peer-pressure is wrong. You should never feel guilty towards doing something that you know is right. This makes a stronger person in the sense of having a great moral foundation. It also reflects on how your parents have raised you.


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